Window Companies – The Future Customer

Working To Earn Your Future Business

Turn on the evening news, you’ll probably see a catchy commercial for one of those window replacement companies. Tune into your favorite local radio station, you’ll probably hear our ad. Driving down the road? Look up, there’s a billboard showing people proudly standing on windows. Why do we spend all of this money to tell you about our company in short flashes or 30 second ads? I mean, how many people actually need replacement windows today anyways? Actually, not that many. In fact, out of all of the home owners Northeast Georgia who see our ad, a very small percentage actually want to complete the project at that moment. So, why?

Why Athens Window Companies love TV, Radio, and Billboards

We don’t believe that our commercials, radio ads, or billboards will suddenly make you want to replace all of the windows in your home. That billboard isn’t going to knock on your door and offer you an unexpected great deal. That TV commercial won’t prompt you get off the couch and suddenly start examining your windows for inefficiency. You won’t bust a u-turn after hearing our radio ad and head to our nearest showroom. Although those scenarios would be great, that’s not why you see us everywhere.
You see us everywhere because we want to earn your business, not today but when you need us. Believe it or not, we do all of this to earn your future business. You may not be in the market for replacement windows today, but the odds are that you or someone you know will need new windows in the future. Who will be the first company that comes to mind? We hope it will be us. You’ve seen it all. From people standing on windows to simple logo billboards. Subconsciously, you payed attention to those silly radio ads, big billboards, and TV commercials.
If you’ve come across this topic on the web. You may be in the research phase or ready to start getting window quotes. Have you seen or heard us out there? If you answered yes, that’s music to our ears. We’ve been working hard to earn you as a customer for years.

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